Google News Timeline
Today I discovered something very interesting on the web. Maybe it is already popular and every body is already aware of this, but me I really discovered it today and it is very nice. It’s a service online made by Google that is called “Google News Time Line”. The website is http://newstimeline.googlelabs.com/ .
Once there, you can search information concerning the current news in the world and then it will search information on your subject. But instead of searching on the web in general, it will search on site realted with news like magazine, like radio and television website, etc… But what’s more special with that service is the way they present you back the results. It will show them chronologically according to the date where it’s coming from.
For example, if you search information about the Rio-Paris flight that crash into ocean on june 1st, you’ll search for example the filght number “AF447”. Then, it will show you the result but sorted by date, each column of result representing a date. It will place in the same column the information from different news source but from the same date. So for example in june 1st you see the searched for the plane, then some other days after you see the news when they found part of the plane, then when they found dead bodies floating, etc…
I really like the way they show the information compare to when you search with regular Google for example. Next time you search information about something live, consider Google News Timeline!