Today I want to post something concerning a place I found on the web where pictures and graphic file may be stored freely. It’s something that exist probably since a long time but I discovered it only recently when I was trying to find a way to optimize the space on this blog site. If you store the graphic directly in the wordpress folder it works fine. But doing this means it cuts your space eveytime you add an image. So that’s why I was searching a place where to store graphic file. I remembered after seeing some add on eBay that some persons placed their picture on a site called “PhotoBucket”. So I explore the web a little and that’s where my graphic file for this blog are hosted anymore.
I did try a lot of site but what I like about Photobucket is the fact that it’s easy and painless to use the picture you place there from other website. All you need to do once the picture is dropped on their website is to get the http:// link to reach your picture and you paste it in your code of the page where you want it to appear. They add no publicity, no rectangle, no link, no nothing. With other site, very often, it’s not a direct link to the .JPG fiel for example, it will be with the sitename added OR it will be a smaller view of your pictures and to view it full the user will need to click on the picture. All these don’t happen with Photobucket. Here follows a comparaison table about their “FREE ACCOUNT” and “PRO ACCOUNT” of their service:
But to be free, there is a lot of adds! I don’t know if you’ve already seen the X10 website at some point in the past? Their site was a fireworks of adds and pop up. Well, once on the Photobucket site, it makes you remember this period! There is no popup. But on a big monitor, with adds from place to place on the screen, it makes you remember this. I conclude this will an overview of the window on the site one your’re browsing your folders with pictures…